пʼятниця, 29 січня 2016 р.

The implementation of the state policy in the sphere of combating crime, v. Charles-and-so. Called. nationalistic crime

      Criminal activity is state policy of the state to protect people and society from criminal attacks etc. The content is rozrobika criminal policy goals and objectives, and Development of means and methods of combating crime. For the first time the concept of "criminal policy" was zformulovano Franz von Liszt (the German scientist, lawyer, relative of composer Franz Liszt, MP) in 1888 in the "Task criminal policy." Kryminlna policy is me in three ways: 1) state activity, expressed in the regulations that define the goals, objectives and principles of the fight against crime, 2) a special kind of practical derzhdavnoyi activities aimed at implementing the goals, objectives and principles of the fight against crime, 3) scientific theory about strategy and tactics of fighting crime. Depending on the discipline or criminal law policy is divided into criminal, criminal-procedural, penal, criminological, penal, operational-investigative, administrative and legal policy. Criminal policy objectives can be strategic (zabezpechennchya real public safety) and tactical (closer-curbing crime and holding it for social and affordable level. The state has actively, effectively and efficiently implement policies in the fight against crime and pravoporushnytstvom all.
Tangent to the concept of notion of "nationalist crime" is the concept of "historical remnants." They can explain the antiquated social relations, which were the norm for feudal and other previous modes, they are in some countries a little preserved under capitalism (dependent peasants from feudal (landlord), weak trade, entrepreneurship, significant role of rural communities, low technical equipment like agriculture and industry, absolutism (autocracy), most of the population lawlessness, arbitrary power, low urbanization, a small percentage of education and spontaneous "inflation" of certain professions, ahrariyiiv, theologians, military and so on. They have some importance for the formation of nationalistic, backward and harmful at all phenomena in society, as well, and form a significant part of crime and pravoporushnytstva. Representatives of nationalist crime with historical remnants of which have formed traditionally are criminals of history with the Nazi-Fascist very criminal movements. dangerous Representatives of nationalist, obsolete phenomena in society, they commit a lot of crimes in the "big picture" of crime. I, as a lawyer, I believe that uporyaduvannya and bring legitimacy to the sphere of moral and ethical, private regulation (related to remnants) is an important task of forensic law enforcement and state. Proper elimination of negative phenomena remnants that hinder the "free market" economy, will lead to faster development of the society welfare.

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